Today in India Covid-19 is the lowest in 24 hours in 46 days.

Today in India Covid-19 is the lowest in 24 hours in 46 days.,New 1,65 lakh case in India Covid-19 is the lowest in 24 hours in 46 days, India record

New 1,65 lakh case in India Covid-19 is the lowest in 24 hours in 46 days.

 India recorded on Sunday 1,65,553 new cases for Covid-19, the lowest daily level in the past 46 days of its history. The daily mortality rate has also fallen to 3460, the lowest since May 3 in three weeks. In the last 24 hours there have been 20,63,839 samples examined.

According to the most recent numbers from the Ministry of Health, in India the overall number of cases of Cov-19 has climbed to 325.972, compared to On Saturday, India saw 173,790 new cases with the last of 3,617 patients.

In the meantime on Sundays, 2.76,309 patients are offering adieu to Covid-19 with a total of 2,54,54,320 instances recovered.

65.36% of new cases were recorded from the five states: 30,016 Tamil Nadu, Kerala with 23,513 cases, 20,628 Karnataka, 20,295 Maharashtra cases, 13,756 Andhra Pradesh cases. Alone for 18,13 percent of the new cases, Tamil Nadu was accountable.

In Maharashtra (832) the largest number of deaths were reported and in Karnataka 492 daily fatalities.

It is largely assumed that after reaching the height of the second Covid-19 wave on 8 May, India recorded 3,91.263 new cases. On 18 May, the country saw the greatest in regard to daily fatalities. The SARS-CoV-2 virus had been succeeded by 4,529 Indians that day.

Indeed, a total of 30.35.749 individuals were injected in the previous 24 hours, totaling doses of vaccine.

ALSO READ:Today in India Covid-19 is the lowest in 24 hours in 46 days. (